TRAINING (2.4.1)
Member of SCNAT

SGmS strengthens geomorphology as a science and its application. It supports young researchers and promotes relations with related sciences and public administration.

Image: Naturmotive,

Exploring the landscape

Geomorphologists study the processes and shapes of the earth's surface. The videos produced by the Swiss Geomorphological Society invite you to discover the diversity of geomorphological processes and landscapes in Switzerland, as well as the different areas of activity of Swiss geomorphologists.

Geomorphologie des Hochgebirges

We visited the fascinating high mountain landscape of the Upper Engadine, which captivates with lovely lakes, wide valleys and rugged mountain peaks and shows the history of their glaciation in these landscapes. Today, the glaciers have retreated significantly and have opened up areas in which many other processes can now be observed: debris flows, rockfall and creeping permafrost landforms. The influence of climate change is recognizable in many places – not only for geomorphologists!

Morfologia di un corso d’acqua

We explored the diverse river environments of the Ticino River and its side tributary Brenno. River dynamics have changed over space and time, shaping the landscape and creating the natural habitats we know today. The water element has had a strong impact on human activities and settlements since prehistoric times, representing a resource for the land, but also a source of hazard. The study of river dynamics is important for geomorphologists, but also for society.

Jeunes géomorphologues

Rockfalls, landslides, rockslides: unstable slopes are a threat to the infrastructure and people living in vicinity to them, especially in highly urbanised areas such as the Swiss plateau. The Swiss young geomorphologists were able to see this for themselves during an excursion to the Gottéron valley, near the city of Fribourg, where some dangerous slopes are monitored and require protection measures.